Sunday 12 July 2015

Dairy Free Overnight Chia Pudding

Hey Guys!

Thought I'd do another lil dessert thats guilt free and super tasty as you all seemed to enjoy the avocado mousse recipe! So glad this isn't a blog cos for the life of me I cannot pronounce 'Chia' properly! :P 

This recipe takes less than 5 minutes to prep but obviously you have to be patient in order for the seed to soak up all the goodness! My intentions were to use coconut milk but I had run out so Almond milk had to do and it actually tasted just as good! 

These were my preferred toppings but you can definitely replace them with any fruit and nuts you enjoy best. The reason I chose this recipe is because its so flexible and adaptable, all I'm doing is giving you suggestions and ideas of what I had. 

I only made this one glass so I used approx 30g of Chia seeds and I filled the milk to  just slightly above where the berries touch the pudding. Wow I'm so bad with measurements I'm sorry! I guess the thicker you want it, the less milk you add. Stir it all up with the honey to your sweetness liking, cling film and refrigerate for about 6-8hrs. When it's done, add your toppings and enjoy as a snack, breakfast or healthy dessert! 

ALMOND MILK (or any other milk of choice)
BERRIES (or other fruit of choice)

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