Monday, 29 July 2013

Where'd she go?

Hey everyone!

 I hope you're all doing just fine! 

I just wanted to write a quick post and  apologise for my sudden disappearance: school has seemed to swallow me up, once exams were over I then had work experience where I worked in the city and was completely shattered after the nine to five day. Being a working girl is quite tough, but totally worth the experience! 

Besides, it gave me an excuse to dress fancy every day ;) haha! I'm not going to make a post about my outfits during that week, however I posted one of my favourites on the Glam Chowder FB page so go ahead and check that out! 

On the brighter side of life, SUMMER HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED! 2 days in and I absolutely love being on holiday and doing nothing at all!  Don't be alarmed though, I am going to be doing something with my summer, in fact I am currently (at the time of writing this) on a flight to ESPAÑA woop woop! I absolutely love Spain not only for it's culture but it's FASHION! I'll only be there about a week but will be back later in the summer, cannot wait! 

Now for the big news: I some how managed to land myself a three week internship at the hottest online clothing store right now....drum roll please....ASOS! *And the crowd goes wild!!!* I am so grateful to have this opportunity and am intrigued to see what doors it opens for me.  I shall be starting on the 29th! Sooo excited! :D

So that's my summer plans, I wanna hear all about yours  and see pictures too! I will try post as much as I can especially what outfits I'll be wearing during my internship(watch this space) and hope to help inspire you! 

Take care of you, 


Maria Xx 

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