Saturday, 2 February 2019


Grab a cuppa, its a long one! 

Goodbye January, hello February. You are very welcome here.
 As a February baby, I am biased in giving February the golden month award. Let's be honest, its a new beginning after the January lull, days start to become longer and lighter, moods pick up, not to mention you don't have to wait a bloody lifetime 'til your next pay check but most importantly... ITS MA BIRTHDAY MONTH! 
Shout out to all my February babies out there!

I've never understood people that don't like their birthdays or don't do anything to celebrate. I get the part about not wanting to be older or not throwing a massive party but I think reflecting on the past year and acknowledging this next stage in your life is important for growth. In a couple weeks I will have my 23rd birthday. 

Which, ladies and gents, brings to reflect on what I've learned this year... 

Somewhere, somehow, shit just works out. Stop worrying. We're a lot stronger than we think. When you're about to give up just keep going you'll be amazed with what we can get through!

Consciously take the time to speak and check on the people you love - we all get so caught up in our busy lives that sometimes its hard to remember other people may need you too. 

Its okay to tune out and ignore the world every now and again. Whether you need a social media break, not responding to everything right away, or you're tired of hearing people tell you how to live your life just tune out! Its okay and also as my momma says "you're not a slave to your phone". 
 In the same breath, cut out all toxic relationships or anything that doesn't make you happy *cue Marie Kondo* Does it spark joy?? If the answer is no, CUT THE TIES!! And don't feel bad about this, you have the right to live your life the way you want to.

How to manage finances/living within my means - this is something I'm still working on but would be happy to go into detail on another post

Its important to maintain the relationships you care about most and to know that its okay to ask for help or advice from those around you  

I also think its important to recognise your achievements, here are a few of mine from this past year...

Graduating university with a First Class Honours in International Business with Spanish degree 

- Getting a job straight out of university - I work in legal marketing for barristers in London for anyone thats interested

Passing my driving test first time around &  buying my first car

Being financially independent and contributing to our home - barely but independent nonetheless. Did I mention I also managed to pay for all my travels?! Basically, getting a job has allowed me to freely cover my costs - who would've thought?!

- Maintaining the relationships that matter to me most. Some may argue this isn't an achievement but to me, if it takes work then it bloody well is! 

And last but not least, I'd like to set myself 5 goals for the year ahead...

1) Start my own company/run a successful "side hustle" - This has been a goal of mine that for some reason I have yet to act on. I've now put it out there and officially accountable!

2) Being more mindful and taking care of my mental health and helping others around me with this.  More in this in future posts.  

3) Blog more and just doing more of what I love in general including at and with my job, travelling and eating whatever I want without feeling guilty about it

4) Potentially move out - this one is a difficult one for me for many reasons I won't bore you with but long story short - Im too attached to my home

5) Continue to build and maintain the relationships I have

Do you set yourself birthday goals? 

xx M