Seeing as I always talk about how busy and stressed I am, I thought it might be a good idea to
say how I actually try to get rid of all that stress and just calmmmm myself...or at least try to. Its not to say these things work every time, sometimes you just need to switch off and thats okay, but its certainly a good place to start!
To avoid stress in the first place I try to be as organised as possible, I have a weekly planner where I write down all my key tasks per day, whether its uni stuff, work, appointments or even things like cleaning out my closet its all there listed and I can work through it day by day. Then on the actual day (I do this mostly on the busier days) I write out every task I need to do that day and the steps to complete it. This form of small goal setting is also a way of motivating me to actually get the job done.
Ticking everything off is probably the most rewarding part of it all!
I'm definitely a strong believer in rewarding yourself especially between tasks if you've been focusing for a long time you need to take some time to just breathe, have a snack, a cup of tea - I'm probably a 2- 3 a day on those! I often take the time to catch up on a cheeky youtube video or a 30 min episode on Netflix, the trick is NOT TO GET SUCKED IN!! If I have anything to blog about I might also draft that up, it just depends on what I fancy at the time. If you can't hack 30 mins of screen time going for walks or reading is also a good idea and if you're in to maybe do some yoga!
In terms of long term motivation, I think having events or holidays booked is something that really keeps me going. It doesn't have to be crazy. Its amazing what a dinner or drinks added to your diary does when you're constantly in and out of the library/office.
When I'm reallllly really in relaxation mode - I'm talking end of day, tasks done, bra off moments- I light a few candles and just do whatever I feel is right at the may or may not involve a glass of wine but who am I to say?! ahaha But honestly theres just something about a candlelit room (especially with fragrant candles) or you can get those relaxation ones which are supposed to calm you down.
Of course spending time with my family and
friends whenever possible is one of my absolute favourite things to do.
Its all about getting that balance right, which of course is easier said than done. These are just a couple of my tips so if you have other things that help you, feel free to share and I'm sure we all need the extra help!