Saturday, 16 July 2016

In the Nude(y-Grey)

Happy Saturday my beauties!

Before I go on to today's look, I just want to wish my sister a super happy 25th birthday! Karla, have the best day princess!! 

Can you believe this is going to be my last post in England for a while!?  I’m leaving in three days!! Nervous, excited, scared and ready to take on my adventure! 

I went for dinner last night with mine and James's family to say my byes, it was a surprisingly warm evening compared to what we’ve been having so I pulled out this nudey/grey dress I’ve actually had for a year from Forever21 and never worn before.  Guess the weather wasn’t good enough or I didn’t have the right shoes for it before so I just didn't get the chance.

 Its so simple, the little leather pocket is everything! The best thing about it is how flowy it is so I can eat as much as I want!!

As always, I kept the look simple with a statement necklace and subtle statement shoes which I am in lovvveee with! They’re so comfortable and super super cute, one of my best public desire buys!!

Let me know what you guys think, and you know the drill, like follow and share on facebook and twitter: Glam Chowder and Instagram: xmariayx. 

These pictures are amazing quality, its this blogger website ruining them!! Makes me so angry!

FOREVER 21 DRESS (sold out) alternative, alternative
NECKLACE -UNKNOWN (it was a gift)

Friday, 1 July 2016

4th July and Some exciting news!!

Hey Glams!!

Its been so long and seeing as 4th of July and my exciting news kind of coincide I finally got round to  putting on some make up and whipping out the old camera to give you a bit of information and finally reveal where glam chowder is heading to!

For those you that don't know, I study international Business and Spanish, its a 4 year sandwich degree which means I get to have a year abroad doing either work experience and studying. I'm such an indecisive person so I happen to be doing both. I am so excited to announce that Glam Chowder will be heading to MIAMI, FLORIDA!!! 

For 5 special months I'll be doing an internship which I am so incredibly excited for, this is one of the biggest and best opportunities I've had so far and I couldn't be happier!! I'll explain more about the placement in following posts-possibly even a Vlog so look out for that! 

Now for the other half of the year I will be studying in MADRID!! Its finally time to spruce up the Spanish and become fluent once and for all. This is such an exciting time and I can't wait to share it with you.

I'll be leaving in exactly 19 days, so see you soon USA!!

Here's my fourth of July inspo, I'll be celebrating a couple days early tomorrow with friends and family.

Happy 4th July everyone! Xoxox